OHSAS 18001 is a standard used for an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS), which enables an organisation to control its risks and improve its performance in this area. The standard provides a systematic approach to identifying hazards, and then either eliminates or reducing the risks of the hazards. The benefits for implementing OHSMS areOHSAS 18001/SS506
Help your organisation manage quality whatever the size of your business with a standard that's recognized the world over. And you can:
- save money
- increase profit
- win more business
- satisfy more customers.
As an ISO 9001 certified organisation you will have a quality management systems that will be of real benefit to your organisation to help manage your business effectively and put in place best practice methodology.
ISO 9001 accreditation will give your organisation the quality systems that will provide the foundation to better customer satisfaction, staff motivation and continual improvement.
ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is an international standard which specifies the requirements of an environmental management system (EMS) it is a systematic approach to dealing with the environmental aspects of an organisation. As an ISO 14001 certified organisation you will control the impact of your activities, products or services on the environment. The benefits of having an EMS
- Establish efficient waste management systems e.g. waste minimisation, stringent handling and disposal of toxic or bio-hazardous wastes
- Promote the conservation of natural resources e.g. energy, water & paper
- Lower operating costs for the organisation
- Inculcate good practices to minimise adverse impact on the environment
- Improve safety and reduce potential for accidents in workplace
- Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
- Improve image of institution among industries, customers and the general public
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